27th Mar, 2024

5 reasons why team STRYDE is excited about our new in-field data processing solution

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The new STRYDE Lens™ in-field data processing solution has officially launched, and we are ready to transform land seismic acquisition speed by unlocking the ability to deliver interpretation-ready* seismic images faster than ever before, by processing the data right where it was acquired.

* pre-stack time migrated data stretched to depth.

Enabled by the conversion of the STRYDE acquisition servers into a processing environment and best-in-class land processing geophysicists that can access it remotely from anywhere in the world. STRYDE Lens significantly reduces the turnaround and cost of seismic data processing.

Processing with STRYDE Lens™ can start as soon as enough data is acquired, without the need to wait until the seismic survey is completed. This will allow a head-start on the processing sequences which significantly accelerates the final processing run.

In this blog post, we caught up with some of the STRYDE team, who discuss what they are most excited about when it comes to STRYDE Lens™ and how they believe this will impact land seismic acquisition as we know it today…

STRYDE Lens™ in-field data processing solution

Eamonn Murray, Senior Processing Geophysicist

Eamonn Murray, Senior Processing Geophysicist

“One of the most exciting prospects of STRYDE Lens™ is the ability to generate early imaging products. The appearance of an interpretable product so soon in the exploration cycle starts to draw in the downstream disciplines at a much earlier stage than usual, bringing interpreters into contact with field operations and helping to ignite a feedback loop as they start to see features of interest emerging from the processed image.

“For the land processing teams, moving closer to the acquisition environment is also very exciting. Commonly, processing new acquisitions would only take place months after the last shot was captured. With STRYDE Lens™, we can be working on the data as it is acquired and we can offer reassurance to new clients who may be apprehensive about the blind nature of the STRYDE recording system.

“In addition, our new in-field data processing service proves the benefits of ultra-high density acquisition to processing. With ultra-high density surveys on the horizon, it will be exciting to demonstrate the idea that dense point sensor acquisition can simplify the conventionally long-winded elements of the pre-processing sequence; the static solutions and the denoise routines. Inevitably, this will start changing the mindset on what land onshore processing is.

“The ability to remotely connect with any of our systems wherever it is placed across the globe and bring the experience and expertise of the full team to bear on the data is another feature that is novel and exciting. I can see this being especially attractive for new seismic users with more modest, smaller surveys who are perhaps without the resources to process the data themselves. We can deliver them a full turnkey package without any need for them to seek out processing companies elsewhere and the associated delays caused by this.”

Mike Popham, Chief Executive Officer

Mike Popham, Chief Executive Officer

“The launch of this new service will allow STRYDE to solve yet another major customer concern: the high costs and slow speeds typically associated with data acquisition and seismic data processing.

“Through our affordable nodal technology, fast-track data processing, and in-field data processing capabilities, our customers will be able to gain value for their seismic campaigns far sooner by adopting the use of STRYDE Lens™ compared to those who do not. In addition, STRYDE Lens™ will also act as the ultimate form of quality control for those operating in the field, unlocking new possibilities such as adaptive survey design during the acquisition.”

Camille Lapierre, Chief Technical Officer

Camille Lapierre, Chief Technical Officer

“STRYDE Lens™ is made possible by an optimized utilization of the computing hardware available on the acquisition project. It is a reference case of mutualization of resources as the STRYDE system server can be used both for harvesting and generating the records from the STRYDE Nodes™, and for processing the data to an interpretable seismic image.

“The mutualization of resources is of great help to our customers, as it directly materializes into savings, simpler logistics, and obviously quicker turnaround. The geophysical image has never been so close to the seismic sensors!”

Kevin O'Connell, Head of Field Operations

Kevin O'Connell, Head of Field Operations

“I am excited about the launch of STRYDE Lens™ as it allows us to showcase our expertise in point receiver data processing. As more customers move away from geophone arrays to point receivers, we have a huge opportunity to help our customers get what they need from STRYDE’s expertise in point receiver processing. Point receiver node crews usually have much larger datasets than conventional geophone crews, and we have the systems and expertise to handle these parameters to improve turnaround time and decision-making capabilities for our customers.”

Cosmin Constantin Vaslie, Support Geophysicist & Software Developer

Cosmin Constantin Vaslie, Support Geophysicist & Software Developer

“What excites me most about STRYDE Lens™ is the ability to streamline the entire seismic data flow, starting from planning and acquisition to quality control and processing. By streamlining the process, we can help reduce the level of risk associated with onshore land seismic projects and significantly reduce the turnaround time for our customers by accelerating seismic deliverables.”

The only fully integrated in-field onshore seismic data processing solution

STRYDE Lens™ is an integrated processing solution that converts the STRYDE acquisition system into a processing environment that can be accessed remotely, from anywhere in the world, by our highly experienced processing team to perform in-field processing or in-country processing.

Learn more about STRYDE Lens™

The only fully integrated in-field onshore seismic data processing solution