STRYD Es Seismic Receiver System

Success stories and case studies

market uptake

Our node deployment statistics


nodes have been delivered to the market since 2020


land seismic surveys, in 50+ countries have been acquired using our technology


different industries have used STRYDE to acquire high-quality seismic data

case studies

Oil and gas

A high-density 3D seismic survey in Ukraine

A high-density 3D seismic survey in Ukraine

A case study on the first-ever high-density nodal seismic survey completed by DTEK Oil&Gas, using STRYDE's technology and in-field data processing solution.
Pad3D: Gas production optimisation using 3D seismic data

Pad3D: Gas production optimisation using 3D seismic data

A collaboration between Oceania Geo, Galilee Energy, STRYDE and Earth Signal Processing to demonstrate the viability of acquiring small footprint 3D seismic surveys using lower cost and lower impact technology for well planning and field optimisation.
Enabling a “faster, cheaper and safer” seismic survey for DNO

Enabling a “faster, cheaper and safer” seismic survey for DNO

Learn how STYRDE enabled DNO to complete a “faster, cheaper and safer” seismic survey in Northern Iraq...
AGS - The worlds largest nodal seismic acquisition in Oman

AGS - The worlds largest nodal seismic acquisition in Oman

Watch the world's largest nodal survey (166,000 channels), acquiring high-resolution seismic data, in a way that has never been done before.
STRYDE data demonstrates perspectivity for oil and gas exploration in Zimbabwe

STRYDE data demonstrates perspectivity for oil and gas exploration in Zimbabwe

A case study demonstrating how STRYDE's nodal seismic system was used by seismic contractor, Polaris Natural Resources to reveal multiple amplitude-supported prospects for Invictus Energy's oil and gas licence block in Zimbabwe.
A low-cost microseismic survey for frack optimisation

A low-cost microseismic survey for frack optimisation

A case study demonstrating how STRYDE technology was used to conduct a microseismic seismic acquisition to help hydraulically fracture a horizontal well in Australia’s Northern Territories.
Facilitating efficient 2D seismic acquisition for petroleum exploration in Namibia

Facilitating efficient 2D seismic acquisition for petroleum exploration in Namibia

A case study demonstrating how STRYDE's nodal seismic systems enabled Polaris to conduct an efficient and cost-effective seismic survey for oil and gas exploration in Namibia.
High density 3D seismic survey for oil & gas

High density 3D seismic survey for oil & gas

A case study on a high density seismic survey for oil & gas company, Reach Exploration.
case studies

New energy, mining, civil engineering and research

A 3D geothermal exploration seismic campaign in Nyon, Switzerland

A 3D geothermal exploration seismic campaign in Nyon, Switzerland

A case study in Nyon, Switzerland highlights how innovative technologies can help improve community acceptance of seismic surveys for geothermal exploration.
A Novel 3D Seismic Survey over the 2.5-2.4 Ga Koillismaa Layered Intrusion Complex, Finland

A Novel 3D Seismic Survey over the 2.5-2.4 Ga Koillismaa Layered Intrusion Complex, Finland

A novel ~22 km2 3D seismic survey was acquired in NE Finland to study the 2.5-2.4 Ga old Koillismaa Layered Igneous Complex (KLIC) using single Vibroseis source single-receiver technology involving low-cost piezoelectric nimble nodes. Similar intrusions have been recognized worldwide for their potential for hosting Ni-Cu-Co-PGE and Cr-V-Ti-Fe mineralization.
Demonstrating novel monitoring techniques at an ethanol 180,000-MT/YR CCS project in North Dakota

Demonstrating novel monitoring techniques at an ethanol 180,000-MT/YR CCS project in North Dakota

An overview and initial results of the novel and sustainable monitoring techniques developed by the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) and its commercial partners associated with the Red Trail Energy (RTE) carbon capture and storage (CCS) project.
Swiss 3D seismic breakthrough: A game-changer for geothermal exploration

Swiss 3D seismic breakthrough: A game-changer for geothermal exploration

A case study of a seismic survey in Eclépens, Switzerland highlights the importance of high-density 3D seismic data in improving decision-making in geothermal.
Monitoring of an Alpine landslide using dense seismic observations: Combining DAS and 1000 autonomous nodes

Monitoring of an Alpine landslide using dense seismic observations: Combining DAS and 1000 autonomous nodes

This publication, shared at EGU by ETH Zurich, focuses on developing innovative seismic strategies (STRYDE and DAS) to enhance landslide characterization and monitoring, offering improved tools for risk assessment and mitigation.
Ultra-dense nodal seismic acquisition for automated geohazard analysis

Ultra-dense nodal seismic acquisition for automated geohazard analysis

In this paper, experts address the problem of shallow geohazard mapping by developing an integrated workflow consisting of nodal seismic acquisition and automated data analysis. Densely paced point-receiver land nodes and point sources are adopted as an alternative to receiver arrays or groups conventionally used in seismic exploration.
Virginia Tech uses STRYDE technology to advance near-surface research

Virginia Tech uses STRYDE technology to advance near-surface research

Advancing the understanding of subsurface weathering and hydrology through high resolution seismic refraction surveys and creative survey designs
A 3D seismic reflection case study over the Tamarack Nickel field

A 3D seismic reflection case study over the Tamarack Nickel field

A case study highlighting how velocity models derived from first-break refraction tomography for one particular high-density survey assist in the 3D mapping of the overburden/bedrock contact of a magmatic intrusion and provide extra detail to the extent of the low-velocity ore bodies beneath. The potential for cross-hole tomography surveys to be complimented by first arrival data from a surface-deployed 3D grid of continuously recording sensors is also examined.
Seismic survey completion in the Kalahari Copper Belt of Botswana

Seismic survey completion in the Kalahari Copper Belt of Botswana

A pioneering seismic survey on the Kitlanya West Copper Project, in the Kalahari Copper Belt of Botswana was completed by COBRE LIMITED using STRYDE's seismic system.
Monitoring the stimulation of geothermal wells at the Utah FORGE site with high-density seismic

Monitoring the stimulation of geothermal wells at the Utah FORGE site with high-density seismic

The survey was conducted to monitor the stimulation of an enhanced geothermal site. We hope to use the dataset to test algorithms for moment tensor inversion and passive diffraction imaging in the context of EGS. The survey was conducted by Rice University with assistance from the Utah FORGE team and Fervo Energy.
Natural hydrogen exploration under the Pyrenees using a 3D multicomponent seismic array with autonomous nodes

Natural hydrogen exploration under the Pyrenees using a 3D multicomponent seismic array with autonomous nodes

Mainly generated by geological processes, Natural H2 has been observed with different degrees of purity as surface seepages or occasionally in wells targeting other resources. Although some distinct natural processes are known to generate hydrogen, exploring for it and understanding its presence remain a challenging task due to the lack of geological models and geophysical data.
A 2D seismic reflection survey for coal exploration in the Australian bush

A 2D seismic reflection survey for coal exploration in the Australian bush

STRYDE's onshore seismic sensors were deployed to image the subsurface to delineate the coal resource and de-risk future mining operations.
STRYDE used for peatland volume assessment to support decarbonisation research

STRYDE used for peatland volume assessment to support decarbonisation research

STRYDE provided seismic acquisition equipment and a data harvesting service to support decarbonisation research.
A dense 3D nodal seismic survey for geothermal exploration in Switzerland

A dense 3D nodal seismic survey for geothermal exploration in Switzerland

A 3D seismic survey commissioned by Swiss Geo Energy (SGE), where 21,500 STRYDE seismic sensors were deployed discreetly by GEO2X in the countryside near Lausanne for geothermal exploration.
Zero carbon emission field operations for onshore seismic acquisition

Zero carbon emission field operations for onshore seismic acquisition

Comparison of the results achieved by one Storm10 eVibe and STRYDE nodes, operated with zero carbon-emissions, to results obtained in mid-2022 using three conventional Mertz M12 diesel powered Vibroseis trucks with Sercel WiNG nodes.
Understanding how elephants communicate using cutting-edge seismic technology

Understanding how elephants communicate using cutting-edge seismic technology

A team from the University of Oxford, used STRYDE seismic sensors to aid research into how elephants use seismic to communicate and to track and monitor elephants in real-time.
Acquiring high-resolution seismic data for geothermal exploration in an urban environment

Acquiring high-resolution seismic data for geothermal exploration in an urban environment

Discover how the world's smallest seismic acquisition technology was used for geothermal exploration within a challenging and restrictive urban environment.
CCUS nodal seismic acquisition

CCUS nodal seismic acquisition

Discover how STRYDE set a new world record for seismic trace density at a CCUS site in Canada.
Acquiring 3D seismic data for coal mining exploration

Acquiring 3D seismic data for coal mining exploration

Discover how STRYDE's seismic sensors were used to acquire high-resolution seismic data required for mining exploration
Agile microseismic monitoring for geothermal

Agile microseismic monitoring for geothermal

Discover how the world's smallest seismic acquisition technology was used for geothermal monitoring
High-density seismic exploration for mining

High-density seismic exploration for mining

Explor approached STRYDE to trial our STRYDE Nimble system™ in conjunction with their innovative Pinpoint® seismic source for a mining client.
STRYDE, RAF, and Newcastle University collaborate on geothermal exploration

STRYDE, RAF, and Newcastle University collaborate on geothermal exploration

STRYDE Nodes™ deployed by Newcastle University at RAF Leeming to pinpoint geothermal production locations.
Unlocking geothermal with seismic

Unlocking geothermal with seismic

RTS use STRYDE Nodes to conduct 3D seismic for geothermal clients in Europe.
Subsurface imaging for archaeology

Subsurface imaging for archaeology

1500 STRYDE Nodes™ were deployed in November 2020 to record unprecedented passive and active seismic around the 14th Century Scrovegni Chapel.

"CCED are currently acquiring the world’s largest 3D node survey over our blocks 3 & 4 (29, 219 sqkm), onshore Oman.

This nodal technology approach (c.165,000 channels) provides multiple benefits to CCED, by cutting down on data acquisition costs, minimizing HSE footprints in the field (less manual handling, reducing vehicle count from c.160 to c.40, reduced field crew size 600 to c.220 etc.), and expanded land access in our sabkha-dune environment, all to acquire high quality, operationally efficient (high density, point receiver geometries providing increased spatial sampling density, with no compromise to data quality) outcomes."

Eskil Jersing

Exploration and Appraisal Director, CCED


A snapshot of where STRYDE's seismic systems have been deployed

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  • Request a quotation for an upcoming seismic survey
  • Book a meeting with our team to understand more about our survey design and data processing solutions
  • Request more technical information about our seismic nodes and systems
  • Learn more about how STRYDE enables easy, affordable, and low-risk high-density seismic