
Case study

A 2D seismic reflection survey for coal exploration in the Australian bush

Project snapshot

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Client name

Oceania Geo and Total Seismic

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Queensland, Australia

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Environment type

Farm tracks, Australian native bush and scrub land, rocky outcrops.

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Survey size

Approx. 250 km

Oz node

Project summary

STRYDE's seismic technology was used by Oceania Geo and Total Seismic to gather 2D seismic data which was crucial in allowing their customer to delineate coal resources and mitigate risks for future mining operations in Queensland.

Survey information

Survey type


Number of receiver points deployed

A total of 1,200 STRYDE Nodes™ were used for this survey, deployed on 28,000 receiver points

Source used

GPEG500 Weight Drop

Receiver point spacing

8m between receivers on the 2D line

Crew size

Six crew members in total working in three teams of two

Number of nodes deployed per day

The deployment crew deployed between 1000-1500 nodes per day

Time required to complete the survey

Four weeks

Vehicles used

Four lightweight 4x4 vehicles

Thanks to STRYDE Nodes™, we were able to significantly reduce the project timeline and costs, allowing our client to quadruple the size of their survey.

The survey was completed quickly with a small crew and with minimal environmental disturbance. The high-quality data we acquired perfectly met our client's needs, enabling them to de-risk their coal developments and we couldn't be happier with the results!

Brendon Mitchell
Brendon Mitchell

Managing Director, Oceania Geo


Survey challenges and how using STRYDE helped overcome these

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Extreme weather conditions

Conducting a seismic survey during Queensland's wet season presented several significant challenges. The intense heat and high humidity associated with the time of year created a physically demanding environment for the survey crew, increasing exposure to health and safety risks and the potential for delays.

Frequent and heavy rainfall led to waterlogged ground conditions, making it difficult to manoeuvre equipment and vehicles. Muddy and slippery terrains risked slowing down progress, increased the likelihood of equipment getting stuck, and heightened safety risks.

Leveraging lightweight technology that was easy to deploy and aided in maintaining efficiency and data quality under such challenging conditions was key to reducing risk.

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Environmental restrictions

Environmental restrictions that prohibit line preparation present a hurdle for conducting seismic surveys in Australia, therefore emphasising the importance of using small and discrete equipment like STRYDE Nodes™ that can be easily transported and deployed by small crews, reducing the need for line clearing and minimising environmental impact.

Unlike traditional, bulkier seismic equipment, STRYDE Nodes™ can be carried by hand or using lightweight vehicles, which can traverse narrow, uneven, and vegetated terrains with minimal disturbance.

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Remote location

Surveying a remote location with limited accommodation facilities presented numerous logistical and operational challenges, including limited housing and living essentials for the survey crew, difficulties transporting and storing equipment, and ensuring the health and safety of personnel in isolated environments.

The lightweight nature of STRYDE Nodes™ significantly reduces these strains by enabling surveys to be completed quickly with smaller crews and fewer logistical demands. This streamlined approach lessens the burden on accommodation and support facilities, simplifies transportation and storage needs, and enhances the overall efficiency and safety of operations in remote locations.

Managing multiple property owners

Given the sensitivity of agriculture and the premium organic products produced in this region, property owners enforce stringent measures to prevent the spread of weeds and pests.

Working with multiple farms and property owners necessitated compliance with their biosecurity protocols, which included numerous equipment washdowns. However, since the STRYDE equipment is small-scale, enabling they survey to operate with small crews, there was less to clean, and the crew could often travel on foot, eliminating the need for additional vehicle washdowns.

The seismic data

Survey results

This survey enabled the detailed mapping of coal deposits, providing valuable insights for resource estimation and operational planning by accurately defining the extent and structure of the coal seams, using STRYDE's technology.

The results have been incorporated into their resource assessment ahead of making any future investment decisions, resulting in seismic being seen as a very cost-effective method to support, and in places replace, the use of borehole drilling.

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Speak to our team

If you want to the STRYDE team about this project or how STRYDE can help optimise your next seismic survey, fill in this form and a member of our team will be in touch!