Untitled design 4

New energy

Netherlands and Belgium

Case study

Zero carbon emission field operations for onshore seismic acquisition

Comparison of the results achieved by one Storm10 eVibe and STRYDE nodes, operated with zero carbon-emissions, to results obtained in mid-2022 using three conventional Mertz M12 diesel powered Vibroseis trucks with Sercel WiNG nodes.

SM vibe

Project summary

Authored by STRYDE, Seismic Mechatronics BV, Dayboro Geophysical and CITG, and published in First Break Volume 41, October 2023, this article compares the results achieved by one Storm10 eVibe in combination with STRYDE autonomous nodes, operated with zero carbon-emissions, to results obtained in mid-2022 using three conventional Mertz M12 diesel powered Vibroseis trucks in combination with Sercel WiNG nodes. We demonstrate that even with challenging operational conditions, the results achieved with the eVibe are superior for both the near-surface and deeper subsurface.

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