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What our clients say

At STRYDE, we pride ourselves on creating seismic imaging solutions that have a direct impact on improving seismic data quality, whilst reducing the cost of acquisition, survey time, and logistics. Hear more about these benefits from STRYDE’s customers...

the value we deliver

Ensuring seismic is affordable for any industry

At STRYDE, we help organisations around the world, from any industry, light up the subsurface in a way that has never been done before.

We do this by supplying companies with pioneering autonomous nodal seismic technology and fast-track data processing solutions that deliver unrivaled benefits, validated by incredible customer feedback...

Nodal seismic system testimonials

SSE logo 1

Javier Nuñez Carbajal

Managing Director at SSE
Oil and gas

"For this project, our customer required high-trace density seismic data across 85 km² of challenging terrain, including tropical rainforests, lakes, and wetlands, making STRYDE’s agile nodes a clear choice.

“Having used other nodal equipment for previous surveys, we are impressed with how STRYDE’s nodes are enabling denser and faster data collection, at the same cost as traditional sparser surveys. In a competitive market where the speed and accuracy of acquisition are critical to the success of exploration projects, this advancement is invaluable."

500 x 250 logo size
DTEK Exploration Manager

Yevgeniy Solodkyi

Head of Exploration Department at DTEK Oil&Gas
Oil and gas

"Surveying a large, complex agricultural area with diverse terrain and land access restrictions posed significant challenges, particularly related to receiver spread. However, STRYDE's cable-free, agile technology enabled us to efficiently overcome these obstacles to acquire a high-density 3D dataset with a 50% reduction in crew size, when compared to similar-sized cabled surveys we have conducted.

This reduction in crew size, combined with faster survey operations and the use of fewer vehicles, greatly streamlined our processes and, importantly, reduced our exposure to HSE risks.

The lack of real-time data visualisation wasn’t a concern, the dense distribution of autonomous nodes assured us that losing a few wouldn't impact the overall image quality. We were impressed by how comparable the data quality was to the cabled data we usually encounter.

STRYDE's innovative approach has transformed our survey operations, improving efficiency and adaptability without compromising data integrity and we look forward to deploying STRYDE Nodes™ on our next survey!"


Tom Kettlety

Research Fellow in Geological Carbon Storage, The University of Oxford

"I have worked with bulky, and more costly nodal devices before and experienced limitations in terms of quantities we were able to afford, and how quickly they could be deployed. As a seismologist, being able to access and deploy a large number of miniature, low-cost instruments has totally changed the way we do microseismic monitoring, and I am really excited to start working with the data acquired."


Allan Châtenay

President, Explor

“It’s a totally different scale and mind blowing to think how much this will change the efficiency of seismic operations. The support we had from STRYDE – despite all the challenges associated with the pandemic – was excellent."

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Bill Mooney

CEO, Polaris Natural Resources
Oil and gas

"Until very recently, all of these projects were completed using bulky ‘cabled’ seismic systems, and these systems required larger acquisition teams, many more vehicles and also resulted in a greater environmental impact for ground access. Project risk existed because these many kilometers of cable and geophone arrays that were deployed on the surface had to be in constant communication. If a cable was broken, the crew was down. We know the STRYDE system is always listening. We are able to focus on generating energy signals, confident that our data is being captured. From a data quality standpoint, these small nodes have allowed us to increase the density of receiver locations on the ground by four to five times. This increased density of receivers sharpens the images we collect and results in better data for our clients. This project represents one of the lowest environmental impact solutions possible for seismic operations."

Company logo Oceania GE
Brendon Mitchell

Brendon Mitchell

Managing Director, Oceania Geo

"Thanks to STRYDE Nodes™, we were able to significantly reduce the project timeline and costs, allowing our client to quadruple the size of their survey.

The survey was completed quickly with a small crew and with minimal environmental disturbance. The high-quality data we acquired perfectly met our client's needs, enabling them to de-risk their coal developments and we couldn't be happier with the results!"

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Miguel Gomez

Managing Director
Oil and gas

"We are proud to use the latest seismic technology to gather seismic data across a 4 km² area surrounding existing wells and oilfield infrastructure. In this challenging environment, deploying traditional cabled geophone arrays or analogic bulky nodal devices would have been extremely difficult, and expensive.

“The high-density spatial sampling enabled by STRYDE’s small, lightweight, and cable-free nodes was crucial to the success of this one of a kind project in Mexico.”

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Staff member at Rice University


"This survey was the highest in density and channel count ever conducted by our team. Achieving our desired trace density within our time and labour constraints would not have been possible without STRYDE's agile nodes.

The lightweight nature of these nodes marked a significant advancement for us, allowing for high-density deployments on foot, even in rough terrain.

Our team was thoroughly impressed with the STRYDE system, particularly valuing the integrated node deployment backpack, navigation tablet, GPS unit, and node initialisation device, which greatly enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of our deployment process."

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"For our clients Sinergy and BEG (Aproz, CH), we successfully planned and acquired an optimized 3D survey of approximately 2500 traces in the beautiful Swiss Alps using the STRYDE nodal system in under three weeks, encompassing layout, acquisition, pickup and raw data delivery !

Unlike traditional orthogonal 3D methods, which use regular grid patterns for receivers and sources, our optimized 3D acquisition strategy leverages existing infrastructures and roads from the survey planning stage. This novel approach integrates the urban environment, building the survey around it.

The benefits? Smoother, faster, and more cost-effective operations, while ensuring excellent data quality and coverage"


Zeng Qing Cheng

Project Director and Chief Geophysicist, Shanxi Coal

"We chose STRYDE due to the data quality that was able to be acquired from a lightweight, simple, and low-cost wireless system. Compared with other nodal systems, the STRYDE system is much lower priced and its impact on operational efficiency is higher, and this is even more magnified when compared to wired geophone systems! We look forward to using STRYDE again soon."


Claudio Strobbia

Founder and Chief Research Scientist, realtimeseismic

“Before STRYDE, there were compromises on survey geometry and seismic quality. Our vision is to accelerate seismic acquisition without compromising quality. The proof is that our geothermal clients are incredibly happy with the results they're seeing, STRYDE's technology is taking away much of the risk they would traditionally face. That's why we love STRYDE.”


Tom Hudson

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Oxford

“Not only did we get access to next-generation seismic instruments, but the contact with experienced seismologists at STRYDE (who clearly understood what instrument characteristics were important for our application), provided advice on how to maximise success on the deployment was a real bonus for us. I was especially impressed by the number of instruments we were able to quickly deploy and the per-unit cost which I believe has the potential to revolutionise microseismic studies, even above and beyond other node providers.”


Jurgen Hoffmann

Geoscience Manager, DNO
Oil and gas

“Most onshore seismic surveys completed by DNO have used cabled geophones to record seismic data and in my experience, a similar survey of this size and complexity using cabled receivers would have taken 2-3 times as long to complete. After seeing how efficient the STRYDE system is, and the cost savings we can make without compromising the seismic data resolution, I very much doubt we will ever use cabled systems again!"


Allan Châtenay

President, Explor
New energy

"Out of all the STRYDE Nodes we have deployed and retrieved in the last 24 months, we have lost less than 0.4% of the data (>99.6% data recovery). On one project, with over 19,000 nodes deployed for 4 weeks, we recovered 100% of the data - every sample from every trace."


Salim Ajib Alhajri

Chairman, African Geophysical Services
Oil and gas

“Working with the latest acquisition technology we realise our crews can be more efficient, safer and deliver better quality data to our customers, allowing them to radically improve their geological understanding by obtaining high-definition seismic imaging in even more challenging terrains.”

Brendon Mitchell

Brendon Mitchell

Managing Director, Oceania Geo
Oil and gas

“I'm sold on STRYDE. Working with STRYDE has been a great experience. Without their technology we wouldn’t even dream of doing a microseismic acquisition project like this, simply because of the amount of time, equipment, and cost, not to mention the environmental footprint, traditionally associated with seismic activity."


Miles Newman

Director, Reach
Oil and gas

"There are lots of benefits to working with STRYDE’s technology. The nodes are incredibly portable and unintrusive. There’s also no complicated connection needed, which makes the whole process of deploying and retrieving the nodes effortless. And crucially for us it keeps our costs down. But most importantly, we are delighted with data we got back from this project. "


Scott Macmillan

Managing Director, Invictus Energy
Oil and gas

"The use of STRYDE Nodes resulted in the acquisition of an incredible seismic dataset. The amount of data gathered is approximately 200 times greater than the previous survey carried out by Mobil in 1990 and results from processing and interpretation are shedding new light on the petroleum potential of the Cabora Bassa basin."


Eskil Jersing

Exploration and Appraisal Director, CCED
Oil and gas

"CCED are currently acquiring the world’s largest 3D node survey over our blocks 3 & 4 (29, 219 sqkm), onshore Oman. This nodal technology approach (c.165,000 channels) provides multiple benefits to CCED, by cutting down on data acquisition costs, minimizing HSE footprints in the field (less manual handling, reducing vehicle count from c.160 to c.40, reduced field crew size 600 to c.220 etc.), and expanded land access in our sabkha-dune environment, all to acquire high quality, operationally efficient (high density, point receiver geometries providing increased spatial sampling density, with no compromise to data quality) outcomes."

Seismic data processing testimonials

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Allan Châtenay

President, Explor
STRYDE Lens™ - In-field processing

"In North and South America, we are delivering fast-track processing volumes within days, making data available to our clients much sooner than before.

To accelerate the delivery of high-density seismic data, Explor has incorporated STRYDE Lens™ field processing. We are now providing seismic data processors with direct access to our field server to enable field processing without having processors in the field.

This drives unmatched efficiency without additional HSE exposure.

Right out of the gates, we are seeing geologic features from the very near surface to several kilometers’ depth. With data quality like this in the brute stack, the quality of the PreStackTime and PreStackDepth products will be excellent.

Our clients are now able to see the data they need to make mission-critical decisions faster than ever before."

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DTEK Exploration Manager

Yevgeniy Solodkyi

Head of Exploration Department at DTEK Oil&Gas
STRYDE Lens™ - In-field processing

"Thanks to STRYDE's in-field processing solution, STRYDE Lens™, we were amazed to receive fully processed and migrated seismic volumes within just two weeks of concluding our seismic survey in Ukraine.

This was followed by a refined product two weeks later based on analyst's and interpreter's feedback. Surprisingly, the quality of the Lens™ image rivalled that of the conventional processed image that was concurrently being progressed and took four months to deliver.

During a critical phase of our drilling program, this rapid delivery was instrumental. The detailed structural insights provided by the STRYDE Lens™ image enabled us to swiftly pinpoint optimal drilling locations and move the drilling equipment to the relevant location much earlier than expected.

STRYDE’s ability to deliver high-quality subsurface images in record time is unparalleled, ensuring we can make actionable decisions quickly and effectively and we look forward to deploying STRYDE Lens™ on our next project.”

Jack Bouska

Independent Consultant
STRYDE Lens™ - In-field processing

This recent project was part of a dual-processing pair. The STRYDE PSTM volume was significantly better quality compared to the other Processing company's result. Very impressive work. Thank you

Our customers

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690d51ab a502 4167 bda7 4e03f7929306 Gt Glogo
Cb7c50cd fb24 4c5c 92a7 7080a71a835f B Plogo500x250
5d023666 1f92 4f09 8933 97b11d8a9972 reach 1
218ee43d aeea 4d09 b406 00b305cc2305 realtimeseismic
Fb42c13c 83f9 44a3 ab66 b3d87e8264b1 explor
F0f3c54b e63c 48f8 a4a1 401d489a0d87 terraseis
oil and gas exploration testimonial

Watch the world's largest nodal survey (166,000 channels), acquiring high-resolution seismic data, in a way that has never been done before, here:

Geothermal exploration testimonial

Discover how the world’s smallest and lightest nodal seismic imaging system was deployed by Newcastle University at RAF Leeming for geothermal exploration.

Geothermal exploration in a semi-urban environment

A 3D seismic survey commissioned by Swiss Geo Energy (SGE), where 21,500 STRYDE seismic sensors were deployed discreetly by GEO2X in the countryside near Lausanne.

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Transform your next seismic survey using STRYDE