11th Oct, 2024

Celebrating STRYDE’s 5th birthday: A journey of innovation and shared memories

5th birthday image

October 2024 marks a significant milestone for STRYDE—our 5th anniversary.

In just half a decade, STRYDE has redefined the seismic industry with our ground-breaking technology, from revolutionizing the density of seismic data we acquire to making geophysical exploration more affordable, accessible, and efficient than ever before. What started as an ambitious vision to disrupt traditional seismic acquisition has now grown into a global success story, with over 800,000 STRYDE Nodes™ deployed across over 50 countries, in some of the world’s most challenging and remote environments.

Behind every innovation and achievement, there’s a dedicated team of passionate employees driving the company forward. To celebrate this remarkable journey, we’ve asked the first five STRYDE team members to share their most memorable moments at STRYDE—highlighting the impact of our technology, the excitement of overcoming challenges, and the strong sense of camaraderie that defines life at STRYDE.

Let’s take a walk down memory lane and hear some inspiring stories from the people who have been part of STRYDE’s growth and success over the past five years.

Mike Popham – CEO

Mike Popham, CEO at STRYDE
Mike Popham, CEO at STRYDE
"In 2020, just six months after STRYDE’s launch, we found ourselves navigating a strange and uncertain world as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold. Many of us had left secure jobs to embark on this bold new venture, creating STRYDE.
"We were ready to bring our innovative technology to market, but seismic operations had largely ground to a halt worldwide.
"Yet, despite the global lockdowns, we successfully conducted our first field trials, remotely supporting clients in Canada and Europe as they delivered mining and geothermal projects. The results, as expected, were outstanding.
"Within weeks, we secured our first three commercial contracts, where our technology was deployed for the first time in oil and gas, geothermal, and mining applications.
"At that moment, I knew STRYDE was destined to succeed!"

Ken Doherty – Senior Field Observer

Ken Doherty, Senior Field Observer at STRYDE
Ken Doherty, Senior Field Observer at STRYDE
“My first day at STRYDE marked a significant turning point in my 30-year career in land seismic acquisition. For the first time, I commuted to work by train, rather than boarding a plane to a remote survey camp. After decades spent in rugged, far-flung environments, this day symbolized the beginning of a complete reset in how I viewed subsurface imaging and the seismic industry as a whole.
"Walking along London’s iconic Thames South Bank toward the STRYDE offices, I was struck not just by the vibrant energy of the city but by the seismic shift in my own perspective. It wasn’t just the setting that was different—what truly stood out was the bold vision I encountered that first day: to make land seismic more efficient, affordable, and accessible to anyone looking to explore what lies beneath the earth’s surface.

Amie Foster – Regional Business Development Manager

Amie Foster, Regional Business Development Manager at STRYDE
Amie Foster, Regional Business Development Manager at STRYDE
“One of my standout memories from the past five years at STRYDE was playing an active role during the early testing phase of our seismic deployment software and technology in Sunbury, UK.
"I vividly recall seeing how quickly and easily we could deploy our nodes, which made me realize just how game-changing our system would be for the industry.
"Demonstrating to clients that our system was not only reliable but also efficient was key, and it was a proud moment for me to witness it firsthand. Plus, I’ll never forget using my festival trolley as a makeshift deployment tool—it was very a fun and memorable touch!”

Amine Ourabah – Chief Geophysicist

Amine Ourabah, Chief Geophysicist at STRYDE
Amine Ourabah, Chief Geophysicist at STRYDE
"The past five years have been an incredible journey, filled with defining and unforgettable moments.
"One that stands out vividly is watching my colleague Tommy set up the first Nimble System in our office. Somehow, this first "little" Nimble System made STRYDE feel truly real—the vision we set ourselves to "making seismic accessible to all" was right there before my eyes.

"Another milestone was winning our first processing contract with Reach Oil and Gas during the height of COVID. Delivering a pseudo-3D seismic image that helped drill a successful well marked a pivotal achievement in our processing capabilities. Seeing the processing team grow from just me on a laptop to a group of six world-class land seismic processing experts working on a CHPC has been a source of immense pride, and it has elevated our expertise to new heights.
"The launch and success of STRYDE Lens™ and the creation of our mini-CHPC system, Gruffalo—made possible by an incredible collaboration with the technology team—are advancements that truly set us apart from the competition. These innovations are game changers for the industry.
"But more than the technology, it’s the passion, hard work, and dedication of every team member that has made STRYDE the best company I’ve ever worked for. Together, we’ve built something truly special, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for us.”

Olav Saure – Head of Software

Olav Saure, Head of Software at STRYDE
Olav Saure, Head of Software at STRYDE
"One of my fondest memories from STRYDE’s journey was from my first trip to the London office to meet my new colleagues. It was January 2020, and I travelled with my colleagues Tommy and Thorbjørn from Norway, eager to see what lay ahead for our expanding team. Our roots were in traditional, conservative engineering firms, so walking into the WeWork office was nothing short of a culture shock—and a delightful one at that.
"As soon as we entered, we were greeted by a DJ, music filling the air, and to top it all off, an indoor halfpipe for skateboarding right in the middle of the workspace! I couldn’t believe my eyes. It felt like stepping into a futuristic hipster haven, and it was immediately clear that we were in a different world from the engineering labs we were used to. We definitely stood out, but it was also a moment that highlighted something special about STRYDE—we were not bound by the old rules.
"That trip encapsulated what STRYDE stands for. We’re a company that is pushing boundaries, not just in seismic technology but in how we think, how we collaborate, and how we create.
"STRYDE isn’t just another seismic company—we’re a different breed. Our willingness to embrace the unexpected and step outside our comfort zones is what allows us to constantly innovate and lead in this industry. Whether it’s revolutionizing seismic acquisition with our miniature nodes or breaking free from traditional ways of working, STRYDE thrives on doing things differently.
"That London trip was the first of many moments that reminded me: we’re not just here to keep pace with the industry—we’re here to positively disrupt it.”

Learn more about STRYDE

Harness the power of seismic in your next exploration project with the help of our lightweight and affordable nodal technology…