27th Jan, 2023

Peeling the layers away: Seismic data processing at STRYDE - Q&A with Celina Giersz

Celina Blog image

Senior Processing Geophysicist at STRYDE, Celina Giersz, started her career in 2005 after gaining a master’s degree in Geophysics from AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland. She joined STRYDE from Shearwater, where she led the land and marine seismic processing teams for 3 years.

Before that, Celina had spent 13 years at Veritas DGC/CGG, where she gained valuable experience and a comprehensive understanding of onshore data, its unique acquisition challenges, and processing subtleties.

We sat down with Celina to learn more about her role at STRYDE and to understand how STRYDE is leading the way in fast-tracking land seismic data...

When did you first hear about STRYDE?

"The first time I heard about STRYDE was actually when it wasn’t formally known as ‘STRYDE’...

"I bumped into Amine—who is Head of Processing at STRYDE—at the London EAGE Conference and he showed me this ‘little orange device’. I clearly remember him holding up one of the STRYDE Nodes™ and saying, “this is going to be the future, this is what is going to make the breakthrough in land seismic operations”. He was just so enthusiastic about it.

“So, when STRYDE eventually formed and a processing position became available, I was probably one of the first to come knocking at the door!”

What does your role at STYRDE involve?

“So, at STRYDE I'm not only a processing geophysicist; I also interact with clients to help solve their data challenges and overlook projects to make sure their high-resolution seismic data is delivered on time and meets the needs of our clients.

“I also process land seismic data, which is something very close to my heart. There is something different and exciting about land data… I love how when you first get the data you essentially peel layers away to see what’s hiding beneath all the noise.

"And now, with the acquisition of high-density data that is made possible with our technology, we can see so much more, way faster than ever before; even at brute stack level!”

What does STRYDE do in regards to data processing that is so unique?

“I guess the speed and volume at which we generate a reliable product compared to other companies is a big advantage of using STRYDE. As we are extremely familiar with the data outputs of our nodal system, it means that after the last shot is acquired, we can rapidly send a usable product to the client, sometimes in a matter of days.

"With in-house derived workflows we utilise the metadata saved in SEGDrev3 format and expedite the start of the processing. Also, as we have access to powerful hardware, we can regularly run several fast-track workflows to verify results of multiple processing scenarios simultaneously instead of following a conventional step-by-step approach. These intermediate products are extremely valuable to clients and demonstrate the true impact of several processing approaches.

“So this means instead of a client having a field/brute stack, we can quickly apply more advanced processing sequences to provide something better than what they would get from the field. Having access to High Power Computing systems and all the metadata, is a big advantage of using STRYDE and we have demonstrated this on multiple data processing projects to date.”

STRYDE High Power Computing systems

Why do you believe STRYDE is changing the seismic landscape?

“I think STRYDE is changing the seismic landscape by making high-density surveys extremely accessible to all industries through the reduced cost of both our acquisition technology and our fast-track data processing solution.

“Flexibility is also a major thing. By using our nodes, you can basically create any layout and adapt it quickly in the field. So even if your programme is established, whether you are satisfied or not with the results, you can adapt it quickly and efficiently to acquire the best image possible.”

What advice would you give to companies who are undertaking seismic projects and are looking to improve seismic image quality?

“Land seismic systems are continuing to develop, and we continue to see how innovations in the field improve the image quality.

"My advice is to ensure better spatial sampling of the noise by deploying receivers in a denser layout. Using the world’s smallest and lightest node, even in challenging and restrictive environments, means high-density is now viable. Not to mention the reduced environmental impact, reduced exposure to HSE risk - all available at affordable price point.

"Get yourself some STYRDE Nodes™, plant as many as you can, and then send us the data to process! You will not be disappointed.”

What do you enjoy most about working at STRYDE?

“A great thing about working for a smaller company like ours, is that you get to be involved right from start of a project all the way to the delivery. I often find that extremely rewarding. It also gives you exposure at more levels than you would normally have in an established company that is more hierarchal in structure.”

Discover more about STRYDE's fast-track data processing solution...