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Affordable seismic imaging for onshore Carbon, Capture, Storage

High-resolution subsurface imaging to facilitate precise site selection, optimize CO₂ injection, and enable robust monitoring of storage integrity.

Carbon Management Canada 1
How we can help

Reduce risks in your carbon storage decision making

At STRYDE, we empower our customers to acquire high-definition seismic data at the most competitive cost in the market. The clearer your imaging, the better you can plan.

Our state-of-the-art seismic technology and expert services are designed to deliver high-resolution seismic images to fast-track and de-risk CCUS projects, providing you with actionable insights for confident decision-making.

From survey design to delivering interpretation-ready seismic images, STRYDE is your partner in accelerating project success and shaping a more sustainable future.

Now is the time to invest in geological carbon storage and lead the transition to a sustainable future

How seismic will help:

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Significantly improves your knowledge of the subsurface, helping you select optimal CCS sites

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Helps assure projects are sanctioned by supporting the permitting process; Property and Mineral Rights, HSE, Permanence, Resource Management

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De-risks “pre-drill” decision-making during the exploration phase

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Effectively monitors the subsurface during injection and post-injection to avoid loss of integrity

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Improves the overall safety, compliance, and efficiency of CCUS operations

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Helps companies adhere to in-country regulations, such as “US UIC Class VI Rule”

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Helps to secure tax incentives, such as “IRS 45Q” in the US

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Allan Châtenay

President, Explor

"Our collaboration with STRYDE and CMC is changing the game for subsurface imaging in support of CCUS, and we are proud to have broken a world record for trace density. We are delighted with the performance of STRYDE's nimble nodes. The agility and cost-efficiency of these systems are driving a step-change in imaging the subsurface and sets a new benchmark for what can be achieved for CCUS."

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Our solutions

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Full turn-key land seismic solutions

An end-to-end solution comprising of survey planning, survey design and optimisation, delivery of seismic acquisition programs using cutting-edge technology and techniques, and seismic data processing solutions.

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Survey planning

Development of a seismic survey plan (single project or long-term (multi-year program)) to support permitting/regulation compliance

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Survey design excellence

Design of a fully optimised 2D, pseudo-3D, 3D or monitoring survey (seismicity, leakage detection, and/or plume tracking)

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Seismic acquisition

Efficient and cost-effective seismic inclusive of the world's smallest, lightest and most affordable receiver system, source technologies and the survey acquisition team required to execute the survey

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Fast-track seismic data processing

Low cost, fast-track seismic data processing, inclusive of time, depth and analysis of seismicity data

Seismic surveys we can deliver

Scouting (regional 2D)

Scouting (regional 2D)

Survey-based around varying geometry of 2D receiver lines. An economical choice to scout and explore prospective areas for potential CCUS projects, or to gain further knowledge on a site already identified as a potential CCUS site.
Baseline (HD 3D – subsurface characterisation)

Baseline (HD 3D – subsurface characterisation)

A high-density 3D survey, normally acquired pre-drill to characterise the subsurface of the potential CCUS site. Knowledge gained supports de-risking of future project phases (drilling, injection, etc) mitigating against HSE risks, well failures and cost overruns.
Monitoring (plume tracking)

Monitoring (plume tracking)

Various economical and long-term solutions to monitor the CCUS site. Predominantly for tracking the CO2 plume in the subsurface. Options are adaptable to local regulations and budgetary limits; semi-permanent arrays, radial lines, coarse 3D survey, etc.
Monitoring (seismicity)

Monitoring (seismicity)

Dependent on local regulation and stakeholder needs various levels of seismicity monitoring may be required. Options can range from several nodes to hundreds to assist in detecting and locating subsurface seismicity.
Baseline repeat (+3-5 years post-injection)

Baseline repeat (+3-5 years post-injection)

Similar to the baseline 3D survey, over time repeat 3D surveys may be required to analyse the ongoing or completed CCUS project. This can also support the expansion of the CCUS project into neighbouring areas and/or support the plan for the field’s life cycle.

How we do it

As the creators of the world’s smallest and lightest seismic receiver node, STRYDE makes seismic accessible to all industries by reducing costs and logistical requirements, minimising HSE risk and environmental footprint and allowing seismic to be acquired in urban and environmentally restricted areas.

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Why use seismic for CCUS?

Site selection

  • Scouting (2D and pseudo-3D surveys) - regional scouting to identify and grade potential sites for CCUS projects
  • High-density 3D surveys - for baseline/pre-drill, monitoring/repeat baseline, allowing companies to achieve a “gold standard” for permitting and regulation compliance
  • A 3D seismic survey is not a mandatory requirement that is prescribed in regulations but is best practice for accessing a clear image of the subsurface
  • Demonstrate to the regulator and key stakeholders that the storage of CO2 in the subsurface is safe and the seal, reservoir, and overburden are not compromised

Plume monitoring

  • Assure a long-term monitoring plan is in place to reduce risk, operate safely and in line with the project objectives
  • Provide evidence to the regulators demonstrating your commitment to safety integrity assurance
  • Obtain the most accurate large-scale method (seismic) to track the CO2 plume in the subsurface
  • Comply with seismicity monitoring requirements in specific regions and environments that mandate this

Learn more about our seismic acquisition system for CCUS

Get in touch

By filling in this form, you can speak to one of our team members directly to:

  • Request a quotation for an upcoming seismic survey
  • Book a meeting with our team to understand more about our survey design and data processing solutions
  • Request more technical information about our seismic nodes and systems
  • Learn more about how STRYDE enables easy, affordable, and low-risk high-density seismic